The Time to Help Humanity is NOW!

Because we are ALL Visionaires

Energetic Medicine Certification

Tulum, October 18-24, 2024


No longer on the fringe, subtle body mastery is rapidly becoming a necessary pillar of the integrated and thriving human being. For those in service to others, this awareness becomes even more crucial in terms of opening grounded, visionary capabilities and being of service in a way that leaves you resourced.

This seven-day immersive training hands-on program will equip you with the skills to generally diagnose and analyze the energetic system, including its organs and meridians. Learn to realign and fortify these systems, allowing you to confidently provide treatments to clients or administer your own self-healing. Coming from the shamanic perspective of plant curandurismo with Safa and Felix, we will also discuss energetic boundary work and psychic protection. We will also discuss how we can dramatically increase our level of discernment through the use of energetic awareness. Even how to enhance your business and finances! Finally we will also discuss some personal Feng Shui fundamentals to help to align your home and work space for best possible energy flow.

Apply your learnings in a dynamic community setting, with the opportunity to practice your craft with diverse individuals. Replete with practical exercises, you'll leave this program brimming with the confidence and abilities to deliver authentic treatments. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the underlying theory, and solid proficiency in your new found practical skill set.

From past participants…

  • Safa's Energetic Alignment training is so much more than a course in energy medicine. It is a tuning-in. A stepping-out-of-your-own-way. It invites a knowing that can only come from a rich lineage of teachers and masters and it leaves you with a trust in energy previously gone unseen. To find a teacher like Safa has been one of the greatest gifts of this lifetime. She emanates a grounded wisdom intertwined with giggles and grace. She is patient beyond measure and meets each student where they are at. Her array of life experiences have created an unmatched program in creativity and depth. As I slow down to integrate this energetic map into my practice as an acupuncturist, I am blown away by the intention and depth that has already rippled through me in just the short time since I completed this training. I have confidence that the gifts of this experience will continue to be a guide in many ways to come.

    — Julie Cowan L.Ac

  • This training was a true blessing. The way I see and relate to the world has shifted. I feel less of a barrier between myself and others, more intimacy in my relationships and a deeper understanding of how we are all connected. I experience a new way of seeing that has led to deeper presence, and a better understanding of the role spirituality plays in life. Learning about this subtle energy pattern we are all a part of has equipped me with powerful tools to take better care myself and my environment and revealed new ways of being in service to myself and others. It has lent rocket fuel to my spiritual practice, and opened avenues of sharing a deeper healing and opening that I never knew possible. I hope to share this with as many people as I can at a time when humanity is really waking up to its deepest nature. Thank you!

    — Ian Clark

  • The workshop was epic, I thought I was just learning about Energetic Alignment but was mind blown with the wealth of knowledge taught about other modalities as well. These included learning about Feng Shui, emotions tied in Traditional Chinese Medicine meridians, Shamanism, Dowsing, and more! The information taught was so easy to learn and integrate because Safa was easy and fun to listen to. The lectures were very enjoyable because she would also give practical life examples that were relatable which helped me understand the concepts better. In between the lectures we would break out into groups or 1 on 1’s to practice what we learned. It was amazing to get my “hands” wet during these sessions. The experience and feedback from the group was a tremendous help. It was so nice to have Safa’s support and guidance to validate what I was feeling. This built a lot of trust in my hands and mind.

    — Kiet Lu

  • My life has been changed after the Energetic Alignment retreat. I’ve come back to my true essence in ways that I didn’t even know were possible. Ways I felt like whenI was a child, when I was able to fully express. It was like a ceremony, an initiation where I learned about my own power, my own source and the tools to harness and use them for service of the greater good. I’ve found what I want to do for the ret of my life. If I don’t do Energetic Alignment every day from now on, I’d be crazy. I have healing and love available form my own hands at any moment. This power is available to anyone and Safa’s mentorship is fierce and graceful. She holds you accountable and blasts you with love. The retreat is medicine, the retreat is community, is friendship, is family, is poetry, and most importantly, is love.

    — Chelsea Varin

  • As someone coming from a busy city and the hustle of a life lived in a traditional, largely disconnected corporate space, Safa's energy alignment training felt like a return home to myself. It reminded me that my existence is more than meets the eye; that my value extends beyond the tangible metrics of success.

    — Nathalie Weister

Training Content ✺

Training Content ✺

Who is this training geared towards?

  • Those with curiosity to embark on a journey to expand awareness of their own energetic system, and foster profound health and mindfulness. There is no previous experience necessary - you don’t need to be an energy master, just open and curious.

  • Those who have felt they move through life as a empath or highly sensitive person are looking to understand more about their energetic experience in the world and how to navigate it.

  • Those wishing to step boldly into the world of energy medicine, and discover a whole new avenue of healing. Perfect for those looking to forge ahead in the field of general energy medicine.

  • Thriving and budding professionals such as therapists, body workers, and coaches looking to further enrich their practice with the integration of new innovative assessment and healing tools.

  • Facilitators of healing modalities and retreats, looking to elevate their support and visionary abilities to assist clients during and outside of the ceremonial space.

  • -Explore the subtle energy body beyond the standard seven chakra model including ‘hidden’ points that have incredible impact upon the energy body when activated.

    -Understand the energetic impact of offering healing to another person, and learn to make it more potent.

    -Learn to sense, measure, and assess the state of the energy body with your hands.

    -Explore energetic boundaries and learn to strengthen and disentangle them.

    -Understand the energetic properties of colour in healing.

    -Understand how energy medicine can also be used with the TCM meridian systems.

    -Learn to rapidly help those experiencing trauma responses, such as panic or disassociation.

    -Learn to deal with persistent stuck thoughts and emotions.

    -Practice distance healing techniques.

    -Learn to maintain clean energetic space.

    -Gain a basic understanding of personal Feng Shui principles and their application to energetic health.

Meet the Teaching Team

Meet Safa, a woman with a passion for the power of energy medicine. With a career spanning many years, she started her studies in Vancouver back in 2005. After struggling with chronic anxiety and depression, Safa found solace and healing through the teachings of the Pranic Healing lineage founded by Master Choa Kok Sui. Her dedication and immediate client results led her to establish her own practice on Vancouver Island, Canada, where she continued to hone her skills by learning from energy teachers from different schools.

In her quest to further her education, Safa traveled to India where she studied at the Lakukish Yog Life Mission founded by Sri Rajarshi Muni. It was here that she gained insight into the power of prana through yoga studies and received a shaktipat initiation from Rajarshi Muni himself. She was so inspired by her experiences in India that she returned many times to further her studies and eventually began teaching, focusing on mantra, pranayama, and the subtle body.

Safa also ran her own yoga school in Canada and led trainings worldwide from 2011-2015, stemming from a strong commitment to share the benefits of traditional Indian yoga.

To deepen her knowledge of energy medicine, Safa traveled to Peru where she apprenticed and dieted in the Shipibo tradition. Under the guidance of her teacher, she received diets and baths specifically designed to enhance her skills with energy medicine. Safa and her husband, along with their team, continue to run retreats in Peru where they offer plant medicine and plant dietas.

Safa's dedication to her craft has led her to complete her Feng Shui certification through the Marie Diamond school. With her diverse background and deep knowledge, Safa is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to learn about energy medicine and how it can benefit their lives.

Adding a highly experienced and practiced twist to the teaching team, Felix has spent the last decade in Peru, apprenticing with the Shipibo-Conibo tribe in the Peruvian Amazon, studying their traditional healing techniques and practices. This immersive journey involved isolation in the jungle, where he fasted and focused on healing his own mind and body. Throughout this process, he gained a profound understanding of the intricate complexities of the modern mind and its governance over the energetic bodies. The work with the plants was instrumental in activating the sensitivity and vision that assists all forms of energetic healing. Later, Felix and Safa then stayed to run their own plant medicine and dieta centre in Peru for many years. They worked with many clients in that time, continuing to diet and gained a lot of experience working with many complicated cases.

Through Safa’s guidance through the years, Felix has also learned and practices energy alignment, working one-on-one with clients. Guided by the wisdom tradition of plant medicine and the healing properties of the plants, Felix was shown the boundless possibilities and true potential of healing through energy which he loves to pass on to others. He specializes in working with aligning the mind with clients and is the author of “The Momentous Method - A Guide to Limitless Potential.”

The Venue - Casa Moksha Tulum

Our incredible venue seamlessly harmonizes luxury, community, and eco-consciousness, while offering a haven for growth, relaxation, and unforgettable experiences. Hidden away in lush jungle foliage, Casa Moksha is the epitome of privacy and tranquility. Casa Moksha provides a dedicated guest experience concierge to help with all our needs.

Casa Moksha's beautifully air-conditioned shared rooms (7am-7pm) with en-suite bathrooms offer the epitome of comfort, decorated with captivating art pieces from local and international artists. Indulge in the little luxuries of life with Le Labo products, portable B&O speakers, high thread-count linens and organic pima cotton towels, guest refrigerators, and espresso machines.  All rooms have access to redundant gigabit internet, and all water on the property is treated with a 5-stage reverse osmosis UV filtration system. Beach access can be made through the local beach clubs nearby. However we ask that this only be done during daytime hours to swim, as we want to maintain the sanctity of the container we are holding.

We will be offering delicious, freshly prepared vegetarian meals for this retreat. Please let us know if you have certain dietary restrictions.

Due to the space we are unable to offer private rooms to guests at this time. If you would like to stay offsite, this is possible. However due to the location in at the end of Tulum south beach you will need your own transportation. Scooters can be rented for approximately 25-30 USD per day in town.

Tentative Daily Schedule

  • 7:00 - 8:00  -  Open time at the cenote (natural lake) for yoga, stretching

  • 8:00 - 8:30  - Energy building and clearing group meditation

  • 9:00 - 9:30 - Breakfast

  • 10:00 - 1:00   -  Lecture/Discussion/Embodiment Practice

  • 1:00 - 1:30  -  Lunch

  • 1:30 - 3:00  -  Relaxation (enjoy the beach/cenote)

  • 3:00 - 6:00  -  Lecture/Discussion/Embodiment Practice

  • 6:30 - 7:00. -  Dinner


Tuition ✺

Onsite price with shared accommodation for 6 nights (3-4 per large room) and all meals:

Paid in full by July 1 - $3,599 Canadian or approximately $2,599 USD

Paid in full by September 18 - $3,969 Canadian or approximately $2,899 USD. Non-refundable deposit of 25% required to secure space.

Off-site (includes 3 daily meals and course tuition - $2,729 Canadian or approximately $1,995 USD

*rooms will be assigned based on gender


There are many logistics in planning an out of country training so we must apply the following refund policy.

Please be sure to review this policy before applying.

Deposits are non-refundable. You must pay in full one month before training date (September 18) in order to participate.

In extreme cases we are open to discuss specific cases. We could also consider moving your payment to a later training date.

*Please note that this refund policy applies only to the cost of the training - other costs such as transportation, flights, visas etc. are the responsibility of the student. 

Cancelation Policy:

- There are no refunds or credits for flight cancellations, due to any circumstance. As such, we strongly recommend that all of our guests purchase travel insurance in case of cancellation of their air tickets, especially during hurricane season. We also recommendthat you be insured in case of accident, illness, medical evacuation, or theft.

- There are no refunds or refunds for check-out before the agreed date.

Responsibility Policy:

- Golden Tsunami is not responsible for any other expenses, evacuation or inconvenience caused by a tropical storm or hurricane or any event beyond our control, including acts

of nature (for example, hurricanes, landslides, floods, and earthquakes.)

- In case of calamities of force majeure or national emergencies that do not depend on the hotel, there is no refund, but the payment for the retreat will be applied to a future booking.

- Casa Moksha is not responsible for the loss of personal items that are left in the room, for for the losses suffered within the facilities. Please use the common safe for storing valuables.


Early bird Full Payment before July 1, 2024

$3,599 CAD - Approx. $2,599 USD

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Remaining payment of 75% - Due by Sept. 18th

$2,976 CAD - Approx. $2,175 USD

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Retreat Deposit of 25% - Full payment due by Sept. 18th

$992 CAD - Approx. $725 USD

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Off site payment - Due by September 18 (spaces limited)

$2,729 CAD - Approx. $1,995 USD

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